Place in writing that they think the bag is fake. Its towards their coverage. You also may occasionally know from the price. If it is anyplace below 50 bucks for a little LV bag, then it is either fake or you found a totally incredible offer. It is best to ask the salesperson if it is genuine or fake, unless you are buying it in a LV store, (clearly). And as for LV baggage, it is a lot of much more expensive then normal LV baggage, just for the info. hope I assisted! Hello there. I have been collecting Louis Vuitton bags for almost 6 years now. There are many many different methods to inform if it is genuine or a knock off. There are numerous many fakes floating around out there and many numerous sellers selling fakes as genuine baggage. I would have to say that the biggest remain much absent signal would be price. There are many trustworthy sellers on ebay that ONLY sell authentic Vuitton baggage. I would be pleased to manual you if ever you would be intrigued. I bothers me when I see so numerous people being had and investing hundreds of bucks on a bag that is phony. I am assuming you have the traditional monogram collection. If it is not a issue, make sure you allow me know precisely which bag you personal and I can be replica louis vuitton bags much much more helpful in authenticating you bag for you. I would initial look for date code NOT SERIAL Quantity. Many people call it a serial number when in reality it is called Date Code. Now, as for the code it should begin with two letters adopted by four numbers. The Design number of the bag is NOT a day cheap louis vuitton bags canada code and is By no means stamped within the bag. Vuitton does not do this. Third would be lining. There are many different linings from Alcantara (raspberry, charcoal or beige coloured). Brown louis vuitton outlet uk cotton coated canvas lining, leather lined etc. The inside ought to be fine and gentle. Not difficult beige uneven suede like materials. Forth would have to be stamping and if it matched the date code. made in France have other people as nicely as made in Spain and made in Italy (thoughts you, only extremely very few are produced in Italy). I hope this helps. If louis vuitton uk sale you should At any time need assist in the future with purchasing a Vuitton bag, please email me at anytime and it would be a enjoyment to assist you out. Many duplicate baggage have all the right markings, you can get them with real leather and they have the LV tags and even serial figures. And you can also purchase replicas with authenticity cards. I utilized to sell them. They can tell. Other than that if you tell me the fashion, I can tell you what to appear for. (Alma, Piano, Manhattan, etc.) Also let me know
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